Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kids' Christmas Service

Today the Sunday school at my church is having their first full practice for their Christmas service. This is always an exciting time of year, but I can't help but get just a bit sick to my stomach every year when it starts. I always feel like something is bound to fall apart: the teachers won't be able to help, no kids will show up, no one will ever get their lines or songs learned. Every year I feel this way. But every year God pulls us all through and lets his glory be known through these kids. I'm confident that it'll work out that way this year, too. But I'm still not a fan of these practices!

We're using a service called Come, Lord Jesus from Northwestern Publishing House. It's well done, and I'm excited to see it when it's all together.

This also reminds me of the time I spent practicing as a kid in similar services. It was always a good time, but also a relief when over.  This year two of my own kids will be participating, too, and I love seeing how much fun they have.

But how will they possibly learn it so fast?!

Oh, that's right. Trust.

Come, Lord Jesus!
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