Saturday, March 6, 2010

Good Reads!

Goodreads2 I posted about the Kindle yesterday and this blog has “well-read” in the title, so it should be obvious that I like books. Well, I just came across a cool site for keeping track of books that I am reading, have read, or just want to read. It’s called

The site is a way to organize your books into a kind of electronic shelves. It lets you rate the books, write reviews, and even keep track of what page you’re reading at the time. They also have some social network functionality built in that lets you see what friends are reading.

One neat thing that I found is that when you have read a book that you really like, you can find someone else’s review of that same book from goodread’s database. You could then comment on that person’s review and sort of make your own little book club out of the site.

I haven’t really even begun to get into it yet, but just for fun I posted a “what I’m reading” widget from the site onto the blog. It’s interesting how actually keeping track of what I’m reading actually motivates me to read more. (That probably speaks to my perfectionist personality type!)

Check it out if you’re interested! And take the time to enjoy a good read!

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