I recently went to a pastors’ conference in New York’s Catskills “mountains.” Technically, it was a “circuit retreat” and not a conference, but it was actually bigger than our normal conferences. The place we stayed is actually a camp that occasionally rents to groups like ours. Below is a picture of the building we stayed in. The picture at the lower right is actually the main room that we used for our meetings.
The main thing I wanted to write about, though, isn’t the castle or the conference, but a comment one of the pastors made. This pastor had recently come back to the States after serving as a missionary somewhere in Africa. He mentioned how he really noticed the apathy that has such a grip on people here in America – particularly in regards to church. So many just don’t care. They were, as he put it, yawning their way to hell.
I’ve been thinking about this phrase a lot since then (it even showed up in my most recent sermon), and I think it’s right on the money.
Spiritual apathy is an epidemic in this country. “Church” just isn’t exciting enough for people. For many, this doesn’t just mean church services are boring or certain preachers are boring; it means Jesus, the Bible, and all things relating to God are boring.
This is a problem.
What’s the solution? More exciting services? Publicity stunts? Detailed studies in what’s really “relevant?” More pyrotechnics in our services? None of these will really work in the long run. The answer is the same as it’s always been.
The law needs to be heard, the law that cuts me right in my heart reminding me that these sins are mine and the punishment deserved is mine too. The gospel needs to be proclaimed, the gospel that tells me that Jesus is so much bigger than my sins, that he has conquered sin, death, and hell forever by his perfect life (the credit for which I get by faith), his sacrificial death (which paid the price my sins owed), and his resurrection (which reminds me that because he lives, I will live forever.)
I know there’s no more relevant message than that, and that only the Holy Spirit can convince hearts of that through the Word. God help me proclaim that Word faithfully.